We had a busy weekend celebrating my baby girl turning 3!!
We have done family bdays every year, but this year she asked for a friends birthday and she wanted it at Kid Mania. She was very specific. This kids knows what she wants.
So....Sat we had a kids party & Sunday we had the family over to celebrate.
This is the invite we sent to the family:
3 years have flown by!!
Here is the crazy crew at the party on Saturday
Family shot...the only one we got of all 3 of us. I never seem to be in any pics because I am always the one taking them.
After her party we came home and opened gifts.
She had the best day ever!!
Fun in the tissue paper
Sunday morning was her actual birthday and the day of the family party. We filled the hallway outside of her door with pink balloons so when she woke up in the morning she walked through all of them. She came running into our room so excited saying
"there is a party in my hallway mommy". It was so cute!
This is the chalkboard wall in her game room right as you walk in.
We got Avery a Pottery Barn Anywhere Chair! She LOVES it!
We ordered one for Braden too so they can have similar chairs in the playroom.
After morning cinnamon rolls it was time to get ready for the family party.
Here are some party details:
Dessert Bar
Avery asked for a pink cake with glitter! It was delicious. Vanilla and Pink velvet inside.
Dr. Hargrove
It was such a fun, special weekend celebrating the best thing that ever happened to me. I am so so blessed to be her Mommy & I cannot wait to add another baby to our family in November!
Next birthday we will be celebrating will be Braden's!
I know every parent can relate, but I wish we could just slow down time!
I found this adorable print from BrimPapery and I must have it. It completely sums up this chapter of life.